
Time Event Speaker / Authors
9:00:00 AM Welcome Organizers
9:10:00 AM Invited Talk: Lessons learnt from using GNNs to estimate program termination Cristina David
10:00:00 AM The Elephant in the Room: Variable Dependency in GNN-based SAT Solving Zhiyuan Yan, Min Li, Zhengyuan Shi, Wenjie Zhang, Ying-Cong Chen, Hongce Zhang
10:30:00 AM Coffee Break -
11:10:00 AM Invited Talk: Large Language Models for Code: Security Hardening and Adversarial Testing Jingxuan He
12:00:00 PM 🍽️ Lunch -
2:10:00 PM Invited Talk: Automated Formal Verification Yuriy Brun
3:00:00 PM Predicting Winning Regions in Parity Games via Graph Neural Networks Tobias Hecking, Swathi Muthukrishnan, Alexander Weinert
3:30:00 PM Coffee Break -
4:00:00 PM FoMo - Formula and Model Generation for Learning-Based Formal Methods Colin Shea-Blymyer, Houssam Abbas
4:30:00 PM Neural Circuit Synthesis with Pre-trained Language Models Frederik Schmitt, Matthias Cosler, Bernd Finkbeiner
5:00:00 PM Towards Improving Verification Productivity with Circuit-Aware Translation of Natural Language to SystemVerilog Assertions Chuyue Sun, Christopher Hahn, Caroline Trippel
5:30:00 PM Closing words Organizers